Lost in Transition

Lessons from the Most Disastrous and Successful Ministry Successions

Whether you are preparing for your own succession, taking the reins from an established leader, or sitting in a leadership seat at an organization going through a succession, this book is for you.

Steve Woodworth shares firsthand stories and insights from some of the biggest, best, and most disastrous ministry successions to help you steward your own succession and set up your team and your organization for success. Steve’s heart for well-done successions stems from a deep desire to see organizations of all shapes and sizes have the greatest impact and legacy for God’s Kingdom.

After experiencing successful, and mostly disastrous ministry successions for more than 30+ years, and then architecting his own succession, Steve Woodworth knew he needed to write a guide to help others navigate how to plan and walk through their own successions successfully. Steve interviews dozens of ministry leaders and shares first-hand stories about what to do and what not to do when walking through your own succession. Whether you are the incoming leader, the outgoing leader, or the team of people shepherding the transition, this book is for you.

Steve unveils the pitfalls of failed successions and provides essential strategies for success. Explore the biblical concept of succession, the key factors that make or break the process, and behind-the-scenes secrets for board members, outgoing, and incoming leaders. This indispensable guide offers a roadmap for navigating the delicate journey of passing the torch, ensuring a seamless transition that preserves the legacy and impact of Christian organizations.

Praise for Lost in Transition

Steve Woodworth

With over forty years devoted to advancing Christian organizations, Steve Woodworth brings a wealth of expertise in marketing, management, and organizational development. He steered World Vision’s direct marketing and donor services through a decade of annual double-digit growth in the 1980s and 1990s. Since joining Masterworks in 1992, Steve has been instrumental in establishing it as the premier marketing agency dedicated to aiding hundreds of Christian organizations in achieving their mission. Steve also gives back as a volunteer on boards, as a convener of industry leaders and continues to lead the Communications Working Group for The Lausanne Movement.

James Lund

James Lund is an award-winning collaborator, editor, and author who enjoys helping other authors develop their voice and message. He is a veteran of Christian publishing who has worked with bestselling authors and ministry leaders such as George Foreman, Jim Daly, Dr. James & Shirley Dobson, Dennis & Barbara Rainey, Randy Alcorn, Kathy Ireland, Jim Caviezel, Kim Meeder, Bruce Olson, and Shaunti Feldhahn. Book sales from Jim’s projects exceed two million copies. Three have earned the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Gold Medallion Award.

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